Monday, November 9, 2009


Being sick sucks.

Its crazy...

My girlfriend got really sick and I took care of her for a few days until she got better. The whole time I thought to myself, it can't be that bad...she can't be in that much pain right?

I mean, the last time I was sick was well over 3 years ago. My immune system is just gangsta like that I guess.

Well, sure as shit I got whatever she had plus nasty is definitely the flu and it sucks hardcore.

This is why I haven't posted in 5 days. My apologies....<3


Jong said...

Take care of yourself. Feel better soon.

Darraxus said...

Welcome back man. I had the same thing and gave it to my wife. I was out of work for a week, she was out for a week and a half. Nasty shit.

Fish said...

Yeah, I got a flu shot friday but not the swine flu shot. I have friends who are sick, spent friday night with my gf and she texted me last night saying she's sick. I just hope I don't have to miss work. . .

My immune system. . .not gangsta. . .

Arioch said...

What's the opposite of gangsta? That's my immune system.

Get better!

Ruhtra said...

Good luck buddy, I had that stuff and was out of action for a week. Caught it from wife immediately having just gotten over a two week stomach thing.


Hope you feel well soon.