So... it's the 14th and you want to stay up for the next 3 to 5 days in a row and get them server firsts.
I know what you're thinking, "Nuggs I can't stay up that long. My brain will start to die and I'll auto run my toon into some Uber-possum or Elite Skeleton hopped up on methamphetamines.
All I can say to that is stop being a child and play the game like a adult.
Things you will need
--Caffeine and lots of it. You'll need enough to shatter an Elephant's circulatory system if taken in one dose.
Mana Energy Potion (1 bottle = 1.69oz with the same caffeine as 2 Red Bulls)
Blitz Energy Gum
(8 pieces has as much caffeine as 6 energy drinks)
Headshot Gamer Bar
(100mg of Guarana per bar)Dont forget to water your bad self. Get some Gatorade for them electrolytes.
Caffeine won't work forever. You need to keep your body going with lots of red meat and potatoes.
Stake, Hamburger, Beef Jerky. Keep a good amount of all on hand. Remember meat goes in and raw man power comes out!Potatoes, Potato chips, or just Raman Noodles. Stake is for power and Potatoes are for stamina.
Things to keep you goin other than above. Music.
Rap, Rock, Techno. What ever moves you put it on. Use headphones and crank it until you can feel the beat in your teeth.Chair.
Nothing is worse than a numb ass bone. Drag in the love chair from the living room if you need to and bolt it down if anyone questions you.Woman.
Someone has to make the stake. Ladies if you're the gamer then you just became the man. Congratulate yourself.
Keep in mind that you will eventually start to hallucinate. The best way to cope with this is make friends with your new invisible buddies. They might even have some good ideas on how to pull the next group. So don't be afraid to listen to that empty Dr.Pepper bottle full of cigarette butts under your desk. It might just save your life one day.
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