Morning blog lovers,
Let me first start by giving some background on myself. Short simple, I tanked in Vanilla WoW and dps'd/healed in The Burning Crusade. However, for the last 8-9 months, I have been addicted to healing. Now, I also love tanking but sadly, my tank is on a different server and a different faction (Ally). Which boils down to him being retired.../sadpanda
After a Drak'Tharon Keep run today, I realized why I love support classes (Tanks and Healers) so much. I also realized why my dps class (mage) has lost my interest lately. It is because it is just too much power! As a tank or a healer, you hold the power of your group. You control the pace, the efficiency(in most cases), and the overall result. Now, I have not tanked a 5 man in quite sometime, but I remember that it is the same feeling. Let me give you a perfect example....
Accepted an invitation to a Drak'Tharon Keep run today. 74 Arms warrior (tank) 77 DK, 75 warlock, 74 mage, and of course me, 77 restro shaman. The warrior had almost 0 defense gear and was spec'd arms. Our dps was lacking, averaging 600 at best. The Warlock was only pulling about 450 dps and I thought that our group was NOT going to make it through this instance.
So after couple minutes and only a few pulls the 77 DK disconnects. So now I have it in my head that this run is DEFINITELY going to fail. However, the first boss drops some very nice shaman healing pants. So I decide to see how it goes...its just tank and spank. We end up killing the boss, my loot of course didn't drop. So we continue on until the next boss, Novos the Summoner. Now noone besides me has done this instance out of the group. I tell everyone about the fight but I also said that we should probably just call it.
However, I did say that we can try....
Long story short, we cleared the whole instance. It was amazing to me how much fun I had healing this place with such lackluster dps and a tank that had no business actually tanking. It filled me with such a feeling of power, of CONTROL!!! IT WAS AMAZ...
hhrmm...cough....sorry about that. Got a little emotional. Back to the point....
I know that I could not get that feeling from a dps class and that is the reason why I love playing a support class.
Dont get me wrong now, when I say this, I am in no way saying that I don't enjoy my dps class. I highly enjoy my frost mage. I think I just prefer playing a support class.
What about you guys? Feel the same? Feel different? Pleas share, I would love to hear...
Let your loot be phat and your repair bill cheap, I am WTFout!

However, I did say that we can try....
Long story short, we cleared the whole instance. It was amazing to me how much fun I had healing this place with such lackluster dps and a tank that had no business actually tanking. It filled me with such a feeling of power, of CONTROL!!! IT WAS AMAZ...
hhrmm...cough....sorry about that. Got a little emotional. Back to the point....
I know that I could not get that feeling from a dps class and that is the reason why I love playing a support class.
Dont get me wrong now, when I say this, I am in no way saying that I don't enjoy my dps class. I highly enjoy my frost mage. I think I just prefer playing a support class.
What about you guys? Feel the same? Feel different? Pleas share, I would love to hear...
Let your loot be phat and your repair bill cheap, I am WTFout!

I too love support classes, my perferrence is tank, then heals, then if I have to, DPS. I like DPS for soloing, but really when soloing I like to AOE and no one can AOE like a prot pally.
However, support classes have the most and least control over the run. Nothing is worse as a tank than people running in while I'm trying to build aggro. When healing its me, then tank and if you take too much damage, its on you.
Its also like my position in hockey. Everyone notices the bad goalie, but very few people notice a good one when you win 4-2, everyone notices the guy who scored the hat trick. It is what it is, I think support classes are a mind set, you have it or you don't.
Love your blog btw, its on my "read every day" list.
I will be honest I love being a healer and I have felt the same way about running instances. You get a group that looks like it is going to be rough and they manage to surprise you.
It's a great feeling. This was a good read. I definitely agree with what you are saying here.
@Fish and Ruhtra
Thanks for the kind words, glad you enjoy the site.
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